Sunday, February 23, 2014

Infinite Possiblities – Creating a fufilling life

(English only / dieser Artikel ist nur in Englisch)
Dorien De Vidts is an international speaker, trainer, facilitator and coach in the field of communication, personal leadership and wellbeing. Home in Belgium she enjoys traveling, making music and magically inspires the presence of people who have the pleasure to be around with her. She is a certified “Infinite Possibilities” coach by Mike Dooley and shaped the workshop “Infinite Possibilities – Creating a Fulfilling Life” which is on March 8th in Vienna, Austria. More about this, here:
As a co-host it's a pleasure to ask her a few question about the upcoming workshop.

GW: What does Infinite Possibilities mean for you?
Dorien De Vidts: Infinite possibilities is about the amazing potential we as human beings have to craft our lives into whatever we want it to be. Everything is possible. It makes me think of a quote of Audrey Hepburn, she says <Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “ I’m possible”>. That is what it means to me, whatever we want, whoever we want to be, it is possible if we truly believe it in the core of ourselves and put our hearts and minds into it and take action. I realize it sounds like such a cliché and clichés are clichés for a reason, there is truth at the heart of them. I remember when I wanted to become a trainer after only one year of real work experience. A lot of people told me that I was too young, that it wasn’t possible now. They probably had a point, however I decided to keep believing it was possible now. A couple of months later I met people in the training business that gave me a chance.

What can someone learn from the Infinite Possibilities workshop?
This workshop is about creating the life you want to lead. I truly believe we all have that capacity. In that sense it might not be about learning something completely new, it’s mostly about reconnecting to that capacity that is already inside of us. By connecting to ourselves, to our dreams and passions we can consciously create our lives day after day. The workshop offers that opportunity to reconnect, to stop and pause and to play around with some fun and inspiring practices that support us to create fulfilling lives.

Is there any requirements or things you appreciate a workshop participant should have?
Very simple … an open mind :)

When you do / decide / dream about something new, what is your preferred style of learning?
When I do/ decide/ dream about something new, it’s very important to include all my senses and not to focus on one learning style. Brain research has proven that as long as you intensely imagine something, your brain can’t tell the difference if it’s imagined or real. Imagining means more than just seeing it, it’s about involving all your senses. When I think about a dream I think about where I am when that dream is realized, who is with me, what I am seeing, doing, hearing, smelling or even tasting and most importantly: what I am feeling. Research has proven that our heart is at least as important as our brain when it comes to creating our lives. More about that at the workshop ;)…

Do you have some locations or an environment where you enjoy the present most or which are particular resourceful for you?
I think it’s not necessarily about an environment, it’s about truly enjoying where I am and what I am doing. That allows me to be fully present and to be in flow, to forget everything else around me and to connect to pure joy and that feeling is one of the strongest ways to create. That being said, there are circumstances when this happens to me more often like when I am taking a walk in nature, when I’m playing music, or when I am traveling and discovering new places.

I heard you love making music, which kind of music are you into?
It can be all kinds of music, from beautiful instrumental pieces to Pop to Latin to Motown music. The most important thing to me is the message of the music and the way it makes me feel. When I create music, it’s important to me that there is meaning in the words, that it’s a message that I want to share and that it's born out of an authentic emotion. And maybe I’ll share a couple of songs at the workshop ;)

What are your expectations visiting Vienna, beside of the workshop?
I am very much looking forward to discovering this beautiful city, to catch up with friends and to meet wonderful people. Other than that I don’t really have concrete expectations. I am already so excited to combine the delivery of the workshop with traveling and sharing a couple of songs. Combining personal development with traveling and music is a dream that is coming true and I am very happy about it :)!

Could you share a secret? What is one thing you consider to do and haven't told anyone about?
It’s always exciting and scary at the same time to answer these sorts of questions … a couple of people know this but I can probably count them on one hand, so here it goes … One thing I would love to do, is to create an album with my own songs. The objective is not to sell a million copies and to become famous, but to enjoy the process of creating and sharing music ;). 

You might also like an interview I did with Dorien, while we met in India 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Breaking an Arrow on the neck

Englisch version below.
Normal sein? Will man das wirklich? Norm-al? Also wie die Masse, wie eine Norm? Will man das wirklich?
Ich zumindest nicht. Lieber zähle ich zu den Verrückten, den positiv Verrückten. Und was bedeutet das: Mal was tolles, ausgefallenes und spannendes zu machen, etwas bei dem man so richtig lebendig ist. Wobei man sich etwas aus der Komfortzone bewegt.
Ein idealer Anlass dafür warn die Power Days von Jürgen Höllers, Deutschlands Mister Motivation der ganz oben in der Liga der Sprecher und Trainer mitmischt. Auf diesem Seminar gab es die Gelegenheit Pfeile zu zerbrechen. Jeder durfte einen Holzpfeil, wie man ihm vom Bogensport kennt, mit Stahlspitze an seinen Hals anlegen. Ein Partner haltet dann mit seiner Hand am stumpfen Ende dagegen, du bewegst dich auf den Partner zu und der Pfeil zerberstet in Stücken, wie eine weiche, zerbrechliche Salzstange. Genau so wie wir das in einer Gruppe aus knapp 2000 Teilnehmern in einem Top Zustand visualisiert hatten. Wie in Zeitlupe sehe ich das Bild vor Augen wo ich mich den Partner näherte und unter meinem Gesicht den biegenden Pfeil erspähte, der sich unter dem Druck meines Halses erst bog und dann schlagartig in drei Teile zersplitterte.
Es war gigantisch. Nun hatte ich schon das ein oder andere verrückte Erlebnis, das tolle daran war allerdings dass ich eine Gelegenheit suchte selbst verantwortlich zu sein. So war es mir eine besondere Freude die Haftungserklärung, die mich voll eigenverantwortlich machte, zu unterschreiben und das vorhaben durchzuführen. So ein Pfeil ist ein schönes Andenken, ein Anker was alles möglich ist der mich nun in Zukunft unterstützen soll, herausfordernde Angelegenheiten zu meistern.
Wer mal Lust hat selbst verrücktes zu tun und dabei hoch erfolgreich werden möchte, check mal www.jürgenhö

Being normal? Like the mass? Like a norm? Do we really like this? For me, at least the answer is no. I like to be crazy in a positive way. And what does that means. Something exciting, rare something you have a burning desire for. Something you move a bit out of the comfort zone.
An ideal opportunity have been the Power Days of Jürgen Höller. Germany's Mr. Motivation. One who is at the very top of Speakers and Coaches. At this seminar each member of the audience got the chance to place an wooden arrow, as used in bow-and-arrow sports, with a steel arrowhead, to place at his or her neck. A partner was holding up the butt end and you move toward the hand. It was as we had visualized it in a group of almost 2.000 people in a top state: the arrow bursts like a soft and brittle pretzel stick. As in slow motion I saw the picture moving toward my partner noticing the arrow who flexes first and crushes in three pieces as a next step.
It was a giant experience. Now I got a few crazy experiences already the great thing on this was that I was looking for an opportunity where I can be total self responsible. Because of this it was a special pleasure to sign a liability limitation which makes me fully self responsible and go for the act. And such a broken arrow is a great souvenir, an anchor that demonstrates what's possible and which should support me in future to overcome challenges.
If you know German and you're interested to do something crazy and to become highly successful, check: www.jürgenhö